Saturday, July 10, 2010

International World Changers

This past week the International World Changers team was here in Naples working with us. It was a fun time, as I always enjoy having teams here. We were able to build some good relationships in the piazza and were able to better some relationships built from a previous team. Here are a couple iPhone pics from our time in the piazza.

Of course soccer is always on the top of the list...

I don't remember where the ninja game came from, but it seems to be a big hit

This little old lady was so thankful that we gave her a bible small enough for her to carry around. She asked for Michelle's address in America so she could send her thank you notes.

Some of the sweetest memories from this week came from watching Micah have a heart to see the people believe in Jesus. She put her artistic skills to work to help open up some relationships.

There was another missions team from Ireland in our piazza this week. We worked with them as they brought their style to the piazza.... a little Irish dancing.

One of our volunteers, Penny, sharing her testimony in the piazza as one of the Irish guys translated.

I like working with the big volunteer teams because I get to have my "own" group for a week. I love getting to know them and walking alongside of them during their time here. Plus I make great new friends and get to have new wisdom poured into my life. I also think it's funny to watch them try to adjust to our culture!

Jared here is just loving all the pizza and pasta he ate. This is my team enjoying their sit down lunch for the week.

Jared was even nice enough to play games with Jenae.....

And that is my IWC blog. Maybe I'll write more later, except I'm going to Spain tomorrow and have way too much to do.

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