Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I should always have a camera with me

After I wrote the title, I realized that technically I do always have a camera with me. I have an iPhone. Duh. Does anybody say that anymore?

So, actually a more appropriate title would be, "oh how I wish is was socially acceptable to take pictures of strangers at any time".
Tonight as I was walking home, I saw a lady on her scooter with her small child standing on the floorboard in front of her, which is normal, and her cell phone sticking out of her helmet, which is also normal, all while she was talking and driving at the same time.

I wish I had taken a picture and sent it to the American government.
They only think that texting while driving is unsafe.
Clearly they have never been to Naples before.

NOTICE: this blog does not condone the practice of texting while driving.

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