Friday, May 28, 2010

Staying real busy

Sleep is overrated. When you sleep too much you miss all the things you could be doing while awake...right? well this week, at least, was that way.

I've been spending all of my mornings with Bruna helping her get ready for her English exam. And I've been spending all of my nights with Emanuele and Marta, playing music and watching movies.

Wednesday I met up with Bruna. After we had our coffee, she opened her bag and realized she had forgotten her books to study English. So instead we sat for two hours and talked about my relationship with God. She asked a ton of questions and we had great conversations. I'm so encouraged to see how God work in our relationship. She keeps asking questions about my life and I am more than willing to answer. I pray that I would be more than willing to question her and begin to challenge her.

Tuesday night I went to see Robin Hood, in Italian. I liked it and I understood most of it. But the movie was real late and that meant I had to think real hard. Still a fun night though.
This weekend I'll be rehearsing with some musicians from all around Italy. It's a group of musicians for the baptist union. I'll be the percussionist for the group and we'll be rehearsing all weekend. I'm just happy to play music, :), which I've been doing a lot of this week.

Tonight I attempted to make Blackberry cobbler. Well, I didn't attempt, I actually made it. Only, the berries turned bitter. They were real yum before I cooked them, but then turned out bitter. I was sad, because I've been looking forward to making it for two weeks. Oh well, next time I'll make peach or apple or some other fruit.

If I had my camera back, maybe I could take pictures of what I do and put them on my blog. But I don't have my camera back.

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