Sunday, December 19, 2010


I've talked about it for quite some time now. But the truth is, I've been scared. I've been wanting to make a gumbo, but fearful that I would fail, and knowing that I didn't have the exact ingredients, I've been putting it off.
It's cold now, perfect gumbo weather, and I've been telling Jason I would make one for him. So Friday, I set out to make my very first gumbo on my own.

It starts with these

Where I'm from, there are two trinities. The Holy one, and then this one

By this point, there was a real good smell

patiently waiting it's turn in the pot

look, I did it!

Yes. It was rather delicious.

I have done it. I have fulfilled my rite of passage. Now I can go back to Acadiana.

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