Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why I Like Volunteer Teams

I will start by confessing that, yes, of course one reason I like volunteer teams is because they bring fun American things. BUT, there are many other reasons, both fun and serious, for liking volunteer teams. Let me list a few for you...

Reasons List:
  • They are American
  • They bring a fire and passion with them that remind me why I was called to Naples in the first place.
  • I get to see God do HUGE things in their hearts
  • I get more peanut butter
  • Sometimes they remind me of people from home. sometimes in a real freakish way.
  • Occasionally they have weird tattoos, in weird places
  • I tend to laugh a lot when teams are here
  • I meet great new people, that I might hang out with when I go back to America
  • The change to live in a house with 7 children arises
  • I meet another person that can be just like Emily Moore
  • I get some great encouragement from some great people
  • People come to know Jesus
  • People do nice things for you, even when you don't deserve it
  • I can speak English

Ok I'll stop now. I'm sure I could go on and on. It can be really tiring having teams here, because we wake up earlier and go to bed later than normal; and we do it for 8 days straight. Props to Il Capo for working real hard and a whole bunch. I really enjoyed working with this last team. We saw three people accept Christ in the neighborhood we were in. God worked through prayer and it reminded me of a lot of things. I'm convinced that this is God's city and that He has called us here for a reason. So we better keep telling people about Jesus.

I just ate a whole ton of peanut butter. Whoops.

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