Monday, May 24, 2010

worthy Worthy adventures

I haven't blogged in a while. Which is mostly because I haven't been home much in the last week or so. and that is mostly because of the many Worthy adventures I've had in the last week. SO... this blog is about my latest Worthy adventures....

Sunday May 16th ~ Sunday nights is when Pacific plays on TV, therefore every Sunday night I sleep at the Worthy house. This Sunday served two purposes. One to watch Pacific and one because Charlie was leaving early the next morning and an extra hand was needed for Worthy kids.

Monday May 17th ~ After the morning Worthy routine, I went to language school, came back to casa di Worthy for dinner and bath time, then to infamous Italian gospel choir, and back to casa di Worthy for another night of sleep.

Tuesday May 18th ~ Given the late night Charlie and Paul adventure, I attended Worthy morning routine once more. Then took the babies to the mostra at the girl's school with Shannon. We then proceeded to do nothing for a lot of hours. Oops. Hey! sometimes a day off is needed. The rest of the day included many Worthy adventures, including gymnastics, the park, and hot dogs for dinner.

Wednesday May 19th ~ After having a night of sleep in my own bed on Tuesday night, I somehow found my way back to the couch di Worthy again on Wednesday. After much, for reasons unknown, persuasion from Capo Worthy.

Thursday May 20th ~ For some reason I can't remember this day at all. O well, moving along...

Friday May 21st ~ I made dinner at casa di Worthy. Poppyseed Chicken and Stuffed Mushrooms. We had movie night as I awaited the return of Kala and Ellie, that never happened, so yet again I found myself on couch di Worthy.

Saturday May 22nd ~ Early Saturday morning Worthy routine. And then..... Playhouse Disney in the park. A very Worthy Adventure, Naples Style. Very interesting.

Sunday May 23rd ~ After a late night Saturday night, but one in my own bed, our Italian gospel choir had it's debut at church. And then on to more Worthy adventures. Which included a stinky volcano. Then my weekly show of Pacific and this time a night on the top bunk in Micah and Emma's room.

Monday May 24th ~ Early morning, but skipping the Worthy morning routine, due to a sick Micah. I went with Shannon to get Bubba's shots. Now that is an Italian adventure that I don't want to take for myself.

So you see, my week has been busy because I have many Worthy adventures. And since I know Capo Worthy will read this.... bring on Madrid!!!!!

:) thank you and have a nice day

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