Monday, January 24, 2011

Last Week: WORTHY

This blog will be the first in the series of "Last Week."

I have lots of things to blog about that happened last week. So I thought a series would be the appropriate way to approach them.

Part one of the series is entitled WORHTY. Why? Because I spent last week at the casa di Worthy. Charlie was in London all week for the International World Changer meeting, so I stayed the week with Shannon to help out with the kids.

and now I'm going to blog about it.

It began like this.

You see, perhaps Shannon thinks I just wanted to be a good friend and help out. But that's a lie. I just want to use her to learn big mama skills.

OK just kidding.... but maybe it's a little bit of both.

Ok fine, I'm not using her.

The truth: Duh, I do it to help, but with it comes many lessons that I need to learn. You see, Shannon likes to think that I will learn all of the things not to do as a parent if I hang out at her house. But in reality, I see strengths in Shannon that are weaknesses in me. Therefore, I learn and grow in areas of weakness.

Let's start with my first picture.
My first thought would have been this:


But instead, when you have patience and consider the fact that your children are more important than your OCD tendencies, you end up with this...

Really cute pictures of your children.

OK fine, you end up with happy kids that have exercised their creativity and freedom. Important things in the life of children.

Then there is drinking "cafe" like the big dogs.

Again, I would naturally wet my pants over the thought of having to clean up a mess if this cup was shattered.
But look how cute he is drinking "cafe" just like the big people.
and look how content he is.

Maybe you are a slow learner like me. So I'll help you out with this lesson.
Give the kids some freedom and let them learn and grow and experience.
It's worth it, even if I have to clean up on little mess.

Another of the week's lessons.

Homework is stressful.
When you have to help your kids with homework in another language, it is really stressful.
So what do you do?

You call in the reinforcements.
Just let the Italians teach them Italian. :)

There are probably millions of lessons that I have learned that will stay with me forever. If I have children, those lessons will come in handy. And if I don't have children, well then maybe other people will let me babysit their kids or something.
But let's just hope that someday God will bless me with some little babies.
Then I'll remember how He blessed me with the Worthy clan. Where you learn more lessons in one day then you think possible sometimes.

Shout out to the Worthy's cause I know you are reading this. :)

Preview to next blog:


  1. I can't count the lessons I learned watching Shannon, things I find myself already doing and things I hope I remember to do.

  2. you make me sound like a GREAT Mom! If only your readers knew how many times I have to pour myself a tall glass of coke or the number of times I entertain the idea of eating a whole box of chocolates by myself?!
    You are a good friend and I'm thankful you were around last week to help keep the circus under control.
