Tuesday, August 17, 2010

B&B days

Mondays are B&B days. What does that mean you ask?? Beach and Book day. Every Monday I go to the beach, because I am being culturally Italian, and I bring a book to read on the train ride there and back. Sounds simple, but let me give you some history.

Upon arriving in Naples, I disliked reading. I may have even made fun of a few select people who always wanted me to take them to the library for fun. What nerds right? Hypocrite! Apparently I am a hypocrite. I now find pleasure in wasting an afternoon in a bookstore.
That being the history, let me give you the future. I have decided that I am very much under-read (if that is not a word, then I just made it up). So I have put together a rather extensive reading list that I plan to accomplish in my life time. In fact, I plan to be somewhat well-read by the time I get back to America. Thus, B&B days are necessary.

If you keep up with our lives in Naples at all, then you know that right now all Italians are at the beach. What are we to do in this empty city? GO TO THE BEACH! Of course I don't go to the beach everyday. But I do justify that Monday B&B days are necessary for me to change my skin color and fit in with the rest of Italians. It's working too. I am a nice shade of chocolate according to Alessia Worthy.

So what did I read yesterday?
I finished the Jungle Books, read Romeo and Juliet, and started the Adventures of Huck Finn.

Good day.

1 comment:

  1. I am quite jealous of your B&B days. Don't think I've ever read "The Jungle Books" but both "Romeo and Juliet" and "Huck Finn" are classics. What else is on your list?

